Friday 13 October 2017

Camerawork in Cuffs

later on, in the first episode of cuffs, Ryan and Jake are taking a woman into custody, the woman explains that her mother is a lawyer. Ryan replies that "we" don't care about parents, Jake, who is still blurred in the background, smiles at this as he sees this as a score against the woman but then he sees that the other policemen are laughing at that. The camera then focuses on him and shows that they are laughing at the fact Ryan is referring to his father.
Further on we see Joe and the superintendent are talking to one another. Joe asks him if they could get something to eat, he declines this offer. Joe realises her mistake as the camera shows a view of the superintendent's photo of his family. This technic is called a point of view shot.
During one of the episode's climaxes we see Jake and Ryan are chasing after the robbers, we get a high angle shot of the road. This gives us an overall view of where we are in Brighton.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Question Five

In season four episode one, we find the main characters, John Steed and Emma Peel in the town of Whittington. Where all is not as it seems as all the of the town's people are miss and only a few remain. In this episode, we get a view of what life is like for the characters and what the show is trying to say.
In the beginning of the episode, Steed enters Emma's room she can be seen wearing a rather inappropriate suit, especially for fencing. This show one of the major reasons for her character's design, as Emma peel's purpose, was for "man appeal" which was mentioned in the explanation of what the show was.
later on in the show, we see Emma and Steed on the train to Whittington, Steed then takes a teapot and a set of scones. This really emphasizes that fact that the both of them come from an upper-class life, this showed how people at the wanted to live. Another upper-class resemblance is the thick "posh" accent they both have which would show they have lived an upper-class life for a while. The way Steed dresses also reflects on his lifestyle, he is constantly in a suit and after a fight, he makes sure that he is still looking good.
Certain things in the show which suggest to that effect of the war is still present, as Steed visits an airfield it is heavily damaged but it is still there. Also as Steed looks around you can hear in the background the sounds of planes, he then salutes, this shows that he can still remember the war. Underneath the school there was a bunker, again this shows the presence of the war is still there. 
In said episode, Emma is given real standing ground as women in those times, at the inn that they stay in she is offered her own room. A lot of the investigating she does is on her own meaning she has her own free will. 
Overall this episode really shows what life was like in the 1960's without giving too much away. It does this by using the surroundings and how the characters respond to the scene.

Friday 6 October 2017

Exam Question two

The film starts off with the camera facing Ryan in his police car, the chief can be heard speaking over the scene commending the police force as brave people. He begins to walk towards a nudist beach, as he does this the chief says that they carry out every action with pride and admiration. on the beach, a scene is unfolding where the nudists on the beach are being harassed by some men who appear to have come from a stag-do. when this happens the chief goes on about how the force has the most morel responsibilities. He informs on the fact that the police can stay calm in any situation, as this is being said Ryan clearly has some problems dealing with the situation. The chief continues to say that the force is able to carry out of the best choices, while that is being said Ryan is clearly running out of ideas and one of the stag-do members builds up the courage to punch him in the face. The lines from the chief are that public share an undying respect for the police. In this scene whatever the chief says completely contradicts what is actually happening. This shows that the public is not respected by the public and the have to deal the most stupid cases.
The next scene both Jake and Ryan are told that there has been an incident with a drug addict. When Jake tries to get the man to open the door he does it in an aggressive manner, this startles the man and causes him to see him as a threat and begins to threaten Jake telling him to go away and he hadn't done anything. Then Ryan lifts up Jake and moves him to the side, to indicate that he should stop and was clearly upsetting the man. Ryan pears through the letter flap and asks him to drop the knife in a calm as reassuring attitude, it is clear that Ryan wants to build a relationship with the man so he can trust him. The man calms down and opens the door. Ryan notices that his arm is all slashed up realises that it needs to be bandaged up, before doing this he asks the man if it okay to bandage him. Again this shows that he experienced enough to know that they have to fully true him for things to work. Jake begins to bandage him up the man moves his arms about as he is still traumatised, this angers Jake. The man stops moving and says to Jake "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, things just on top of me", Jake looks at him then around at the house he has a look in his eye which shows that he can sympathise with the man. Jake then tells him that he won't leave him, thus reassuring the man. This scene shows that Jake has many things to learn about, especially how to work with people. Ryan's vast knowledge shows that he has been in the force for a long time. Also, this shows that not all criminals are bad people, just been put on the wrong path.
We are then taken to a scene where a young man has just been attacked in a shop and is in critical condition, the only visual witness was the shopkeeper's son. Joe, another police officer, is trying her best to get some evidence on what has happened. She asks the shopkeeper if there is anything that he could tell her in calm and nice manner, this is similar to how Ryan deals with things, the man tells her that his son was the only witness to what has happened. She begins to ask to child questions but the man steps in disallows her to speak to him. Later on, she is in a room with the shopkeeper family, his lawyer and himself he pleads to him to let her speak with his son, again he refuses. Their lawyer tells her that he is in his right to decline to speak with his son. In this scene Joe is clearly desperate to find evidence and this shows that she cares for public and wants it to be safe.

Exam Question one

In the text we are given a scene were Jake and Ryan have the police car parked up by a main road. Jake gets out of the car and begins talking the camera follows, although the majority of the sound is taken up by Jake’s voice the diegetic sound of the traffic is always present. This gives the audience a clear idea of what area they are in, the diegetic sound shows that the area that they are in contains a large amount road action.
Also as Jake leave the car we are able to hear what is being said over the radio, this helps the audience understand that there is a world outside of the main characters. As Jake begins to walk towards Ryan the camera zooms out of Jake to show where Ryan is standing when this is done Jake’s voice becomes quieter. This gives the effect that we are hearing what Ryan is hearing as we are given his reaction to what Jake is saying.
Ryan turns to look at Jake to confront him about how he feels about him being a police, the camera moves with Jake as he turns. When he does this the diegetic noise quietens, this would show that an important scene is about to unfold. Although that the diegetic sounds a harder to we still can hear them clearly, to show that there may be a drama unfolding life still carry’s on as normal. This shows that the main characters are average policemen as their arguments have no effect on every person’s life.


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