Tuesday, 29 January 2019


FRIDAY 25 JANUARY PREP YEAR 11C Refer to Extract 1 in the insert. Analyse the representation of Jamaican Reggae music and
musicians such as Bob Marley in this MOJO front cover. (5 marks)

At first look of the cover, you are able to see that Bob Marley has a very relaxed postured. This could be used in order to represent his music, reggae which is seen as a very chilled genre of music. He also has a smile and is looking directly at the reader. This is in order to create a connection between the audience and the star. He is also wearing casual clothes, this makes him appear as an equal to the reader. All these go against was the usual conventions of Mojo magazine do. It is usually a white male with a serious face, this could be used in order to give the readers a breath of fresh air.
In the centre of the page, "BOB MARLEY" can be read. "MARLEY" has been given two drop shadows behind, one yellow, the other is green. The main text is red, these three colours are the colours of the Jamaican flag. This shows reminiscence of where Bob Marley is from. The font used is an italic sans-serif, going along with the casual theme.

1 comment:

  1. Very good but do not stray into the 'media language' question' which is about fonts, layout, formality etc. the 'representation' question is about just that: how do the musicians come across?
    Mark 3 out of 5 It seems from the mark scheme (below) that we may get a covermount, after all, so do analyse that.
    Responses should analyse representations of Jamaican Reggae music and musicians in the extract from MOJO Magazine, for example:
     the image of Bob Marley has been shot and selected to connote his openness and friendliness – he directly addresses the camera with a smile, he is shot in natural light, he wears very ‘ordinary’ clothing, and his stance is very unaggressive.
     the cover line ‘From gang war to one love’ connotes the violent social background of Jamaican Reggae music and anchors the meaning of the photograph, presenting Bob Marley as a man of peace
     the crumpled monochrome photograph of Jamaican sound systems suggests that Jamaican Reggae comes out of poverty and has an authenticity due to these roots
     the selection of a photograph of highly decorated sound systems suggests that Jamaican Reggae comes out of a folk tradition with a rich heritage of creativity



PREP Write freely about the house style of Clash music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians are r...