Friday, 6 October 2017

Exam Question one

In the text we are given a scene were Jake and Ryan have the police car parked up by a main road. Jake gets out of the car and begins talking the camera follows, although the majority of the sound is taken up by Jake’s voice the diegetic sound of the traffic is always present. This gives the audience a clear idea of what area they are in, the diegetic sound shows that the area that they are in contains a large amount road action.
Also as Jake leave the car we are able to hear what is being said over the radio, this helps the audience understand that there is a world outside of the main characters. As Jake begins to walk towards Ryan the camera zooms out of Jake to show where Ryan is standing when this is done Jake’s voice becomes quieter. This gives the effect that we are hearing what Ryan is hearing as we are given his reaction to what Jake is saying.
Ryan turns to look at Jake to confront him about how he feels about him being a police, the camera moves with Jake as he turns. When he does this the diegetic noise quietens, this would show that an important scene is about to unfold. Although that the diegetic sounds a harder to we still can hear them clearly, to show that there may be a drama unfolding life still carry’s on as normal. This shows that the main characters are average policemen as their arguments have no effect on every person’s life.

1 comment:

  1. mark 3 out of 5
    1. OK all true about traffic sound but perhaps pick more interesting example? In your second example, what is the emotion in the voice, in the reaction?
    2. Particularly good comment in third example. However, look at the English: take time for proof reading, please!



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