Sunday, 7 January 2018

The LEGO Movie poster campaign

The Lego movie's marketing team seem to be very good at their job, judging from what they did with the poster campaign. Each poster seems to highlight a character that would relate to each member of a family. For starters, the parents in a family are most likely to know who Morgan Freeman as he has been acting for over 40 years. Vitruvius' poster would not just be familiar with parents but his character would also be understood by young children, they would most likely see that him having a long white beard is distinguishing him as a wizard.

Wildstyle's poster seems like it would appeal to teenagers as she has an edgy and angst appearance, which groups of teenagers aim for that appearance as well. The voice actor of Wildstyle also appears in the Pitch Perfect series, which would mean that those who enjoyed watching pitch perfect will know who the actor is, thus increasing the chance for them to watch.

Lord Business' poster is more of a character-defining poster than a poster that is meant to relate to the audience. This is because of the way Lord Business is presented, he has an aggressive look on his face and a large amount of red takes up the poster. It is clear that the film producers are wanting us to know that he is the villain. 

Emmit's poster doesn't show that he is the protagonist of the film. The poster shows him screaming, but somehow he still has a blank expression. At the time that the LEGO Movie was published, not many people knew who Chris Pratt was. It seemed that he was at the start of his film acting career because during that year (2014) Chris Pratt only appeared in one other film (Guardians Of The Galaxy).  

1 comment:

  1. Q. 9: mark 7 out of 10
    1. You draw attention to the individual and specific appeals of each different poster to specific audiences: well done.
    2. You identify several visual codes that signal specific meanings to audiences such as Lord Business' appearance, aggression and red hues.
    3. Excellent background knowledge about Wyldstyle and her audience appeal to teens and Perfect Pitch audiences. What about females?
    4. You miss a trick in the discussion on Emmet the 'everyman' whom the audience, one and all, could see as themselves with their secret aspirations to be heroes!
    5. To get more marks, look at the ensemble poster and its big title, dynamic framing, signals of the AA genre, familiarity of superheroes, promise of explosions.



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