Monday 21 January 2019


To revise the 'media language' question, you focus on the layout. It is a quick and easy question, worth 5 marks and only 2 examples needed. Please copy the question onto your blog and write the 2 examples taken from the recent Observer online. The answers below will help you.

The Observer online newspaper uses a dark blue banner at the top of the page, this is here in order to connote a sense of formality and soberness. Telling the reader that the Observer takes the news very seriously and will tackle topics head-on, to bring you your daily news. As well as this the colour is also resembled with calmness, almost as if the newspaper is welcoming you, telling you to stay. Reminding you that you can see what is happening around the world from the comfort of your own home.

The main page of the website is well ordered, again telling the reader that the Observer takes the news very seriously. The page has a white background, this is used to show modernity and order. Like the blue banner, white is a very calming colour. This means the reader is not rushed into the page and able to explore it at their own speed. There is limited use of photographs allowing the page to not feel cluttered.

1 comment:

  1. Good but room for improvement. You should look at your expression "is resembled with' and change it to 'has connotations of'.
    Next, you should be more specific about what exactly is 'well ordered'. the examiner is looking for the words columns, grids, boxes.
    Mark 3 out of 5



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